いざ王都へ The Kingdom Capital
ディミトリ: エーデル、ガルト……貴様だけは……貴様だけは、俺が殺す……!
Dimitri: Edelgard! You... I will kill you!
You will know the regret of my father, who was killed for you! Of my stepmother, who was slain by her own daughter!
You will bow your head before all of the lives you trampled for your ideals before you die in misery!
エーデルガルト: ……呆れた執念ね。普通ならとっくに命はない……
Edelgard: Your obsession with me is appalling. If you were a normal human, you would most certainly have died already.
Farewell, King of Delusion.
If only we were born in a time of peace, you might have lived a joyful life as a benevolent ruler.
ディミトリ: ……地獄に落ちろ、エル。
Dimitri: To the fires of eternity with you...El...
ドゥドゥー: ……!……陛下ッ!陛下ーーッ!
Dedue: Your Majesty... Your Majesty!
ディミトリ: ……そう叫ぶな。
Dimitri: Stop calling me that.
ドゥドゥー: 陛下……!……ッ。
Dedue: Ah, thank the... No...
ディミトリ: なあ、ドゥドゥー……俺は……死ぬのだな。彼らに……報いることも、できぬまま……。
Dimitri: Dedue... It seems I will die...before I can get revenge for everyone...
ドゥドゥー: ………………。
Dedue: ...
ディミトリ: ……家族も、仲間も、故郷も。本当に大切だったものは……何一つ……
Dimitri: My family, my friends, my home... Everything that truly mattered to me... I couldn't...
ドゥドゥー: いいえ! ……少なくともおれは、あなたがいたからこそ、今日まで生きてこられた。
Dedue: You're wrong! Because of you, I was able to live on until today. You saved me.
These past nine years... I am proud to have been at your side. It was a joy I never could have hoped for.
Despite all, I count myself a lucky man.
ディミトリ: ……そうか。ああ、そうか……。良かった……。
Dimitri: Is that so? I see... I am glad...
ドゥドゥー: さぞ、お疲れでしょう。安心して、お眠りください。……陛下。
Dedue: You must be weary, Your Majesty. Please...rest in peace.
教団兵: レア様!ディミトリ王が戦死なされました!
Church Soldier: Lady Rhea! King Dimitri has fallen in battle!
The Kingdom's army has retreat is impossible to preserve the front line!
セイロス: ……くっ。皆、ただちに撤退なさい!フェルディアに向けて退くのです!
Seiros: Gah... Everyone withdraw immediately! Fall back to Fhirdiad!
The goddess is watching over us! If we hold strong we will surely be saved!
教団兵: はっ!撤退! 撤退です!
Church Soldier: Understood! Retreat!
セイロス: ああ……どうしてあなたはこれほどまでに私の邪魔を……
Seiros: Why do you insist on being such a loathsome obstacle...
You stole my mother's heart and wield the Sword of the Creator. Just like that savage King Nemesis...
I swear...with these very hands...
I will take her back... Until then, wait for me, dear Mother...
エーデルガルト: レア……敵ながら見事な手際ね。
Edelgard: Rher she is our enemy, but I must admit that she plays her cards magnificently.
ヒューベルト: 女神の名の下に、士気を保っていることについてですかな?
Hubert: You mean using the goddess's name in order to boost morale?
エーデルガルト: それもそうだけれど、見事なのは用兵の腕よ。
Edelgard: That's true, but she also shows great skill in devising her tactics.
Using the bewildered Kingdom army as a shield while she and the knights retreated...
If they ran all the way back to Fhirdiad, it will be very difficult to pursue them.
Choice 1: 倒せるだろうか…… Can we defeat them?
エーデルガルト: 師に自信がないなら、私一人でも決着をつけてみせる。
Edelgard: If you're low on confidence, Professor, I'll put an end to this myself.
Actually...that's what I'd like to say, but in truth I hope to confront them with you at my side.
Choice 2: 次こそ決着を Next time, we will end this.
エーデルガルト: ええ、私たちの手で、必ずや決着をつけましょう、師。
Edelgard: Yes. Together, we'll end this once and for all.
エーデルガルト: これまでの戦いで命を落とした、仲間のため、敵のため……
Edelgard: For all of the lives lost in battle, by our allies and foes alike...
And for Dimitri, as well...
Byleth: ディミトリのため? For Dimitri?
エーデルガルト: ええ……。彼が復讐に囚われたのは、伯父たちの策謀の結果……。
Edelgard: Yes. The thirst for revenge that imprisoned him was the result of my uncle's strategy.
He believed that I was the cause of everything...and he lost sight of his path as king.
There was nothing I could do to save him. And so, the very least I could do was―
Byleth: 泣いている? Are you crying?
エーデルガルト: いいえ。泣いていたのは、過去の私よ。
Edelgard: No. The Edelgard who shed tears died many years ago.
Everything that's happen's all just part of the ebb and flow of history.
The Tragedy of Duscur, our days at the academy, Father's death, and the five years you were gone...
After all of that, at long last, we're here at this point in time. I hope you'll stay by my side until the very end.
It's time for humanity to take this world back.